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This page is completely gonna be about my 5 Inspirational persons. These 5 are playing a vital role in my life which I'll be giving a very brief explanation.

Mr. Chaplin is my 1st and the best Inspirer among the all.  As I always wish to say that " Comedy is a serious business ", Our Chaplin sir did that only with his body language while the current and just past Comedians entertained the people with their body language along with dialogues. What ever may be the new concepts for the comedy is the current comedians are implementing Chaplin sir was the seed for it.
An interesting video I've seen in an Instagram post where Sir were wearing a dress like a tree and beat the opposite ones, I think PUBG players would get this, Yep!! the same Gilly Suit concept.

Charlie Spencer Chaplin
Rowan Atkinson @ Mr. Bean

Mr. Rowan Atkinson or Mr. Bean. Wow!! What a nostalgic feeling. Rowan sir also had a very few dialogues in the   Mr. Bean show and more with the Body language. In my childhood I was just seeing the show I don't even know that there were some dialogues in the show, after some years when I watched I was able to hear that there were some dialogues. And after some more years when I saw the movie Jhonny English, I fixed he's going to be my 2nd inspirer. Two parts of Jhonny English both the parts were awesome spy-comedy film. 

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Mr. Nagesh, A tamil Comedian, actor, dancer. In my childhood I sometimes even think Nagesh sir as Chaplin sir, because both of them were entertaining us in the Black and White movies era, and both of them is known for their Unique body language. There was a group of people who went to the Tentkotta only when Nagesh sir enacted in the movie. This much love and support won't come so easily unless otherwise if we've supported them in their sorrows, that support can be monetary help, some lovable, comfortable words or make them to smile in their sorrows.


I've chosen these 3 people as my top 3 inspirers cause they're entertaining the people. I say "entertaining" even though Chaplin and Nagesh sirs are no more there works are still in the hearts of the people that can't be removed from their hearts. So from this great 3 people I've learned one thing never stop entertaining people.

The other 2 inspirers have inspired me by some different way other than the above 3 entertainers. 

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Ulaganayagan Kamal Hassan

Dr. Kamal Hassan, A person with a great hunger in giving new things. He was the first person to show Laptop to Tamil audience via his film Michael Madana Kama Rajan in the time when Tamil audience were in the craze of Desktop computers, similarly in all of his movies he Introduced something new as always. He had no inhibition in acting, whatever may be the role or get-up or dress he was ready to do that. Not only this factor, he is an Enthusiastic person because he himself always wants to try anything, he never uses dupe in any of the scene. A world wide know fact is that Sir Jackie chan and Nammavar Kamal Hassan sir are to have more number bone fractures in cine industry. Now as we all know sir is in the transition of becoming a complete politician but sir's movies always showed his interest towards serving the people and criticizing the useless politicians. These are very few reason why I like this Multifaceted person. I admire you Andavare!!

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Tyrion Lannister

Peter dinklage, I don't know about him that much, but I admire this specific role he enacted in Game of Thrones, i.e., Tyrion lannister. In this series this character will be known as the God of Tits and Wine, they say so because he'll be mostly in booze and mostly with whores. But he's not only master in these two things, his mind... Wow!! The plans he make will be great and no one can break those plans (Ya, sometimes it'll be broken like in Mereen, I'm saying about Blackwater bay and releasing of the Dragons). One of the best quotes he say is "Accept your fault and wear it like an armor, So that no one can use it against you", in the current world no one is ready to accept their fault including me but after watching GOT and hearing this quote I've started to accept my faults and asking everyone to do so. Just keep in the mind that no one in this world is Perfect everyone have their own faults and positive sides, we've to just accept it that's it, so let's accept it!!

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